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over 11 years ago
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over 11 years ago
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Alright, I'm going to try to apply for Officer/Sergeant, try being the key word. Minecraft IGN: SMBLOZ123 Age: Twelve Timezone: US Central Hours per weekdays and weekends do you play on MineTown Prison (Average): I've only played for 2 days, but at this rate, about 40 Hours (Problem #1) How long have you been in MineTown: Only 2 days (Problem #1 Again) Have you ever been banned before? Why?: I was on a PvP server due to a misunderstanding. I believe it was due to my PvPing, which made someone think I was hacking. Other than that, I have a clean slate. Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft administration: Yes, I have been Admin on a server, and Moderator (though I did not last the trial) on another. Do you have any previous experience with Minecraft Prison administration: No, I do not (Problem #2) How are your PvP Skills: I am a very skilled PvPer, as far as I can tell. Explain the concept of a Minecraft Prison Server:: You have been thrown in Prison for your crimes. You are supposed to do jobs and work to earn your way to freedom. You are supposed to act civil, because bad actions can have you punished. How much have you spoken on MineTown Mumble: I do not have or have ever used Mumble (Problem #3) Do you have Skype:: No, I do not (Problem #4) Why do you think you would make a great Officer/Sergeant on the Prison? Explain:: My personality has a lot to do with helping and keeping order. I am a very good fighter, and I am lawful, meaning I can deal with problems easily. I also am kind and I wish to help all, and punish those who break rules. Additional information you would like to tell us: To tell the truth, I am not expecting to get accepted, for the problems I have. I also get along well with other players, so that's a plus.
over 11 years ago